7 Common Misconceptions About Destination Wedding

7 Common Misconceptions About Destination Wedding

Destination wedding is among the common topics discussed these days. They certainly have a better advantage over conventional weddings. Hotel The Orchard Greens in Manali is the perfect place to celebrate this grand event with a touch of beauty. Destination wedding is essentially grand; however, some common misconceptions spoil the true grandeur of these events. Here some of the misconceptions are debunked to celebrate a fantastic destination wedding at Hotel The Orchard Greens in Manali

Hill Stations are a no-no for destination wedding

While beaches and fairylands are mostly advertised for destination weddings, hills come with their own unique charm. Mountains are as enticing for the guests as beaches and in fact a little more. The best part is you don’t have to worry about the weather and climate as it is only going to be pleasing hot. Guests can experience comfort like never before.

Not many guests are interested in hilly destination wedding

These weddings are not meant for a handful of guests. They are in fact a celebration for all. Guests are very much interested in destinations like Manali. The small town is easier to reach than Hawaii for most of the Indians. Hotel The Orchard Greens is going to be your perfect nook to settle and chit chat with your friends and relatives around the event.

Destination Wedding requires more planning

With efficient hotels such as The Orchard Greens, managing destination wedding is as easy as a snap. Our property is open for your personal touches and customization while keeping the hassle of arrangements quite at bay. You can throw the party of your dreams within the shiny pockets of the Himalayas without any hassle.

Guests won’t show up

Quite the contrary! Most of the people love to travel to popular destinations where they can get a chance to get along with other friends. Destinations like Manali are efficient at bringing up more guests for its popular charm and extensive beautiful ranges. Besides, your guests will find the Hotel The Orchard Greens the most comfortable place to stay while enjoying their time in Manali.

Destination Wedding is heavy on the pocket

This is purely subjective. The expenses that occurred at a destination wedding are strictly related to how grand you want it to be. In fact, a moderate destination wedding in Manali can cost you cheaper than your standard conventional wedding party in metro cities. Going up on the expenses has no limits. You can make the wedding party in Manali as grand as you want it to be.

People will find it weird

People will certainly find it different but it is in no way weird than getting your shiny long hair blown up by sandy winds. The mountains around Manali are so beautiful that the wedding is going to be not even close to anything weird. Your guests will find it most entertaining to pose before the white carpet of winter or the fresh blossoms of the spring.

It won’t be spacious

Hotel The Orchard Greens in Manali is one of the best hotels in Manali with spacious event halls and lawns. The hotel has ample parking space, the rooms are large and the buffet can be a feast for a great number of people. Choose such a location and enjoy the destination wedding with all the grandeur and ease.

Destination weddings are one of those modern concepts that are catching the eye of the most modern wedding planners. The ease of getting married at a destination like Manali is sure to lure in many. You can book your destination wedding with Hotel The Orchard Greens for both yourself and your friends. You can count on us even if you are a professional wedding planner and wish to give a different touch to your business. Manali is certainly your venue.

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